Vegetarian Ideal

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Neuroscience, brain & mind meets mysticism & spirituality

Section of a talk given at London's Swedenborg Hall on the 14th of OCT, 2006. Discussed is a novel fractal conception of brain organization where certain structural forms and dynamic processes are manifest in the brain at all scales and all areas. I then relate these aspects of the brain to timeless ideas from the world of mysticism, spirituality and religion. The overall idea being that cosmic processes and universal processes are being played out in the brain and human mind. Furthur it is related how the mystery of consciousness and the mystery of God are one and the same mystery. Therefore we should expect aspects of the divine to be revealed in brain anatomy and function.

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