Vegetarian Ideal

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
- Albert Einstein

Friday, July 6, 2012

Carl Jung

The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.
- Carl Jung

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.   

- Carl Jung

I am not what happened to me. 

I am what I choose to become.
— Carl Jung

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul.
- Carl Jung

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
- Carl Gustav Jung

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
- Carl Gustav Jung

The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. - Carl Jung

It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.
- Carl Jung

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